
Instructions for editing,etc

Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years ago












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A tip how to create page:


Edit this page (or any other desired) and insert link to non-existant page you want to add, then save changes and click to that link. You will be prompted to edit that new page.

This way, all pages will be referenced from some point.


If you do not editing use this way, your page will be only visible from list of all pages (and that is rarelly, if ever, used).




  • Need to quickly learn how to use bold, italics, tables, and more? Check out our wiki style page!


  • Start playing around with your own wiki! Click the Edit this page button either above or below!


  • Create a new page** (2 ways)
    • First, you can type a word with SeveralCapitalLetters (or even type NewPage), which will automatically create a link to that page! A dashed underline means the page doesn't exist yet.
    • Second, you can put [brackets] around any word to create a new page. For example, if you wanted a page named cars, you could just type [cars].

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